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The Titanosaur Family Was the Largest to Ever Roam Earth

That's the titanosaur, one of the largest land animals to ever exist, dwarfing nearly everything around it. Roaming the planet during the Late Cretaceous period — approximately 100 million years ago — titanosaurs are part of a family of sauropod dinosaurs known for their massive size, long necks and incredible diversity.

16 Binge-worthy Horror Anime to Give You Nightmares

Horror movies can reach down into the darkest depths of human consciousness and bring nightmares to life on screen.

9 Names of God in Christianity and Judaism

The most powerful Christian deity is divided into three primary forms: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With so many forms, it's only natural that this Holy Trinity would bear so many namesakes.

The Zodiac Guide to Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility

Discover the truth about Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility! Explore their adventurous bond, strengths in relationships, and how these zodiac signs align perfectly.

How Aries and Pisces Balance Passion and Emotion in Relationships

Discover the truth about Aries and Pisces compatibility. Learn how fire and water signs connect in love, friendship, and more. Can their differences create harmony?

Is Your Zodiac Sign Among the Smartest? Astrological Insights

Discover what is the smartest zodiac sign and explore the unique traits of astrological intelligence. Learn how each sign’s smarts shine in different ways!

The Frilled Shark Has a 3-Year Pregnancy Before Giving Birth

The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus), also known as the scaffold shark, is often called a "living fossil." This ancient shark has remained largely unchanged for millions of years, offering us a glimpse into the distant past. It's the only living species from its family of sharks.

Kali: Goddess of Death and Rebirth in Hindu Tradition

In Hinduism, Kali represents the vengeful feminine form of Vishnu, the protector of the universe. Vishnu, working in tandem with Brahma and Shiva, forms the primary cosmic governing body of the Hindu tradition, a triumvirate known as the Trimurti.

Argentinosaurus Was Almost Half as Long as a Football Field

Argentinosaurus is one of the largest known dinosaurs to have ever walked the Earth, and its sheer size captures the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike.

The Largest Carnivorous Dinosaur May Not Have Been T. Rex

They lived about 30 million years apart and never set foot on the same continent. Yet Giganotosaurus carolinii is always getting compared to the world's most popular dinosaur, the beloved and well-known Tyrannosaurus rex, both vying for the position of the largest carnivorous dinosaur in history.

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