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Biggest Cities in the U.S. (And the Biggest in Each State)

The United States Census Bureau tracks the population of all incorporated places in the United States. Incorporated places include cities, towns, villages, boroughs and municipalities. The government census can identify trends in the growth rate of populations and help communities plan for the future, which is especially important in the biggest cities in U.S. states.

Rectangular Prism Formulas, Types and Real-world Examples

A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional cuboid figure. In the same way that a triangular prism brings three connected lines to life in the real world, a rectangular prism takes the length and width of two-dimensional rectangles to the next level by adding height into the equation.

Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats? Experts Weigh In

For the past few years, orcas attacking boats have been making headlines, most recently off the coasts of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. These incidents, involving a group of orcas known as the Iberian orcas, have been occurring since 2020.

How Verbal Irony Works: Examples and Practical Uses

Verbal irony is a clever twist of language that keeps conversations interesting and adds humor by contrasting what is said with what is meant.

How Many Countries of South America Can You Name?

From the Amazon Rainforest to the Andes Mountains, the fourth-largest continent is a treasure trove of natural wonders and historical sites. Let's explore the countries of South America and take a look at what makes each one unique.

30-60-90 Triangle: 4 Facts to Remember for Your Next Test

Anyone who's ever faced mind-numbing trigonometry problems and practice questions will be familiar with the Pythagorean Theorem and its square root principles in the 30-60-90 triangle. This special triangle has several short-cut rules to help new mathematicians find interior angles and linear lengths quickly.

States With Legal Weed Outnumber Those Without

As a remnant of the legacy of President Nixon and the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, cannabis plants are still categorized as Schedule I narcotics at the federal level. Although federal law remains less progressive than state laws, several states with legal weed permit medical or recreational use for citizens.

Reading a Codon Chart and Identifying Amino Acids

If you're studying genetics, molecular biology or a related field, odds are good that you will need to learn how to read a codon chart (aka codon table) to better understand the genetic code.

The Richest Woman in the World and 4 Wealthy Runners-up

Although she is far from the richest person in the world — a title currently held by LMVH CEO Bernault Arnault — Françoise Bettencourt Meyers is still doing fine for herself.

What Is the Worst Zodiac Sign for Deal-breaking Traits?

Have you ever wondered: What is the worst zodiac sign when it comes to commitment? Or how about the worst sign for making quick decisions?

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