John Barrymore

John Barrymore has written over 100 articles for HowStuffWorks on topics ranging from volunteer burnout to real estate property taxes.

Recent Contributions

A tax shelter sounds like a nice idea. It helps you reduce your tax burden to the IRS. There are many legitimate tax shelters, but some can be used for wrongdoing.

By John Barrymore

You've probably heard the phrase "tax deductions" a hundred times. But what does it mean? And how can you be sure you're taking all the tax deductions you're entitled to?

By John Barrymore

Aftershaves soothe and tone the skin, but they can also include scents and ingredients that some men find overwhelming. What are some simple, household items they can use instead?

By John Barrymore


You get a letter in the mail, a letter emblazoned with the gut-wrenching acronym, IRS. You say to yourself: "But I filed on time! I paid all my taxes!"" How does the IRS decide who to audit?

By John Barrymore

You might be on your last dollar, but it's not always a reason to sing the blues. In fact, in the strange world of taxation, your last dollar could actually put you in a higher tax bracket. So what does that mean for you and your money?

By John Barrymore & Kathryn Whitbourne

One good thing about Christmas is that it gets many of us thinking about others and how we can help those in need. Even with COVID19 restrictions in place, there are still many ways to volunteer.

By John Barrymore & Melanie Radzicki McManus

Body art, such as a tattoo, is a terrific way to express your individuality, but it's permanent, and there are some risks -- especially for your skin.

By John Barrymore & Brion O'Connor


Crow's feet are one of the inevitable byproducts of aging. But it is possible to keep them at bay for a while. Here's how to prevent of them.

By John Barrymore & Brion O'Connor

Get fast facts on tattoos, and learn how tattoos are created and how they can affect skin.

By John Barrymore

Wearing sunscreen is a well-known way to block UV rays, but it isn't the final word on sun protection anymore. In what other ways can sun-lovers ward off skin damage?

By John Barrymore

A new mole doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer -- people often develop new moles early in life. Of course, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep an eye out for them.

By John Barrymore


Tattoos, like other types of body art, are a common form of self-expression. If you've ever considered getting one, though, some concerns may have crossed your mind. That needle, for instance, pricking your skin and marking it with dye -- is it safe?

By John Barrymore

Lathering up with shaving cream and using a razor for the first time is often a much-anticipated step toward manhood. But at what age should boys start shaving?

By John Barrymore

Studies have shown that stress does, in fact, have a negative effect on your skin. Find out why and how you can help prevent it.

By John Barrymore

The same types of fungi that cause ringworm and jock itch can also lead to athlete's foot. What steps can you take to avoid getting this uncomfortable -- but treatable -- skin condition?

By John Barrymore


When bacteria enter your body through a break in your skin, it can create one of several types of infections. How do you know you're infected and whether it's serious enough to see a doctor?

By John Barrymore

There are ways for people to get burned other than by flames or heat. Which one is the most common type of burn injury?

By John Barrymore

For decades, cleansing creams have been popular for their ability to remove makeup and cleanse your skin. But take caution: This tried-and-true skin care product might not be for everyone.

By John Barrymore

Although we usually think of it as a difficult high school problem, oily skin can affect people of all ages. If you take the right steps, however, it's possible to cleanse excess oil and maintain a glowing tone.

By John Barrymore


Several dermal fillers can improve the condition of damaged or aging skin. Choose the right one for you by understanding the differences between their active ingredients.

By John Barrymore

Most people are aware of the major negative health issues associated with smoking, including lung cancer and heart problems. But the visible effects of smoking don't always get the most attention. What can 10 cigarettes a day do to your skin?

By John Barrymore

A staple in many cleansers, sodium stearate is strong enough to remove dirt and oil from your body's surface. But how much will it irritate your skin in the process?

By John Barrymore

This chemical compound has reportedly been used in cleaning products for thousands of years. How are animal by-products used in this cleaning agent that has stood the test of time?

By John Barrymore


It's common knowledge that sun exposure can cause sunburns and even skin cancer. But does the sun affect dark-skinned people the same way it affects people with lighter complexions?

By John Barrymore

You haven't been near poison ivy in weeks, you aren't allergic to latex and you don't have allergies that give you hives -- at least, you don't think you do. So what's that red patch of itchy dry skin? It could be a type of eczema.

By John Barrymore